Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lunenburg, Fred C. Organizational Structure Mintzberg Framework

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCHOLARLY, ACADEMIC, INTELLECTUAL DIVERSITY VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1, 2011 Organizational Structure: Mintzberg’s Framework Fred C. Lunenburg Sam Houston State UniversityABSTRACT Henry Mintzberg suggests that organizations can be differentiated along three basic dimensions: (1) the key part of the organization, that is, the part of the organization that plays the major role in determining its success or failure; (2) the prime coordinating mechanism, that is, the major method the organization uses to coordinate its activities; and (3) the type of decentralization used, that is, the extent to which the organization involves subordinates in the decision-making process.Using the three basic dimensions —key part of the organization, prime coordinating mechanism, and type of decentralization—Mintzberg suggests that the strategy an organization adopts and the extent to which it practices that strategy result in five structural configurations: simple s tructure, machine bureaucracy, professional bureaucracy, divisionalized form, and adhocracy. Organizations exist to achieve goals. These goals are broken down into tasks as the basis for jobs. Jobs are grouped into departments. Departments in organizations may be characterized by marketing, sales, advertising, manufacturing, and so on.Within each department, even more distinctions can be found between the jobs people perform. Departments are linked to form the organizational structure. The organization’s structure gives it the form to fulfill its function in the environment (Nelson & Quick, 2011). The term organizational structure refers to the formal configuration between individuals and groups regarding the allocation of tasks, responsibilities, and authority within the organization (Galbraith, 1987; Greenberg, 2011) Very early organizational structures were often based either on product or function (Oliveira & Takahashi, 2012).The matrix organization structure crossed thes e two ways of organizing (Galbraith, 2009; Kuprenas, 2003). Others moved beyond these early approaches and examined the relationship between organizational strategy and structure (Brickley, Smith, Zimmerman, & Willett, 2002). This approach began with the landmark work of Alfred Chandler (1962, 2003), who traced the historical development of such large American corporations as DuPont, Sears, and General Motors. He concluded from his study that an organization’s strategy tends to influence its structure.He suggests that strategy indirectly determines such variables as the organization’s tasks, technology, and environments, and each of these influences the structure of the organization. More recently, social scientists have augmented Chandler’s thesis by contending that an organization’s strategy determines its environment, technology, and tasks. These variables, coupled with growth rates and power distribution, affect organizational 1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCHOLARLY, ACADEMIC, INTELLECTUAL DIVERSITY 2_____________________________________________________________________________________ tructure (Hall & Tolbert, 2009; Miles, Snow, Meyer, & Coleman, 2011). Henry Mintzberg (1992, 2009) suggests that organizations can be differentiated along three basic dimensions: (1) the key part of the organization, that is, the part of the organization that plays the major role in determining its success or failure; (2) the prime coordinating mechanism, that is, the major method the organization uses to coordinate its activities; and (3) the type of decentralization used, that is, the extent to which the organization involves subordinates in the decision-making process.The key parts of an organization are shown in Figure 1 and include the following. Strategic Apex Technostructure Middle Line Support Staff Operative Core Figure 1. The key parts of an organization. ? ? ? ? The strategic apex is top management and its support staff. In school districts , this is the superintendent of schools and the administrative cabinet. The operative core are the workers who actually carry out the organization’s tasks. Teachers constitute the operative core in school districts. The middle line is middle- and lower-level management. Principals are the middlelevel managers in school districts.The technostructure are analysts such as engineers, accountants, planners, researchers, and personnel managers. In school districts, divisions such as instruction, business, personnel, public relations, research and development, and the like constitute the technostructure. The support staff are the people who provide indirect services. In school districts, similar services include maintenance, clerical, food service, busing, legal counsel, and consulting to provide support. ? The second basic dimension of an organization is its prime coordinating mechanism. This includes the following: FRED C.LUNENBURG _________________________________________________ ____________________________________3 ? ? ? ? ? Direct supervision means that one individual is responsible of the work of others. This concept refers to the unity of command and scalar principles. Standardization of work process exists when the content of work is specified or programmed. In school districts, this refers to job descriptions that govern the work performance of educators. Standardization of skills exists when the kind of training necessary to do the work is specified. In school systems, this refers to state certificates required for the various ccupants of a school district’s hierarchy. Standardization of output exists when the results of the work are specified. Because the â€Å"raw material† that is processed by the operative core (teachers) consists of people (students), not things, standardization of output is more difficult to measure in schools than in other nonservice organizations. Nevertheless, a movement toward the standardization of output in schools in recent years has occurred. Examples include competency testing of teachers, state-mandated testing of students, state-mandated curricula, prescriptive learning objectives, and other efforts toward legislated learning.Mutual adjustment exists when work is coordinated through informal communication. Mutual adjustment or coordination is the major thrust of Likert’s (1987) â€Å"linking-pin† concept. The third basic dimension of an organization is the type of decentralization it employs. The three types of decentralization are the following: ? ? ? Vertical decentralization is the distribution of power down the chain of command, or shared authority between superordinates and subordinates in any organization. Horizontal decentralization is the extent to which non administrators (including staff) make decisions, or shared authority between line and staff.Selective decentralization is the extent to which decision-making power is delegated to different units within t he organization. In school districts, these units might include instruction, business, personnel, public relations, and research and development divisions. Using the three basic dimensions—key part of the organization, prime coordinating mechanism, and type of decentralization—Mintzberg suggests that the strategy an organization adopts and the extent to which it practices that strategy result in five structural configurations: simple structure, machine bureaucracy, professional bureaucracy, divisionalized form, and adhocracy.Table 1 summarizes the three basic dimensions associated with each of the five structural configurations. Each organizational form is discussed in turn. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCHOLARLY, ACADEMIC, INTELLECTUAL DIVERSITY 4_____________________________________________________________________________________ Table 1. Mintzberg’s Five Organizational StructuresStructural Configuration Simple structure Machine bureaucracy Professional bureaucrac y Divisionalized form Adhocracy Prime Coordinating Mechanism Direct supervision Standardization of work processes Standardization of skills Standardization of outputs Mutual adjustment Key Part of Organization Strategic apex Technostructure Operating core Middle line Support staff Type of Decentralization Vertical and horizontal centralization Limited horizontal decentralization Vertical and horizontal decentralization Limited vertical decentralization Selective decentralizationSimple Structure The simple structure has as its key part the strategic apex, uses direct supervision, and employs vertical and horizontal centralization. Examples of simple structures are relatively small corporations, new government departments, medium-sized retail stores, and small elementary school districts. The organization consists of the top manager and a few workers in the operative core. There is no technostructure, and the support staff is small; workers perform overlapping tasks.For example, teach ers and administrators in small elementary school districts must assume many of the duties that the technostructure and support staff perform in larger districts. Frequently, however, small elementary school districts are members of cooperatives that provide many services (i. e. , counselors, social workers) to a number of small school districts in one region of the county or state. In small school districts, the superintendent may function as both superintendent of the district and principal of a single school. Superintendents in such school districts must be entrepreneurs.Because the organization is small, coordination is informal and maintained through direct supervision. Moreover, this organization can adapt to environmental changes rapidly. Goals stress innovation and long-term survival, although innovation may be difficult for very small rural school districts because of the lack of resources. Machine Bureaucracy Machine bureaucracy has the technostructure as its key part, use s standardization of work processes as its prime coordinating mechanism, and employs limited horizontal decentralization.Machine bureaucracy has many of the characteristics of Weber’s (1947) ideal bureaucracy and resembles Hage’s (1965) mechanistic organization. It has a high degree of formalization and work specialization. Decisions are centralized. The span of management is narrow, and the organization is tall—that is, many levels exist in the chain of command from top management to the bottom of the organization. Little horizontal or lateral coordination is needed. Furthermore, machine bureaucracy has a large technostruture and support staff. FRED C.LUNENBURG _____________________________________________________________________________________5 Examples of machine bureaucracy are automobile manufacturers, steel companies, and large government organizations. The environment for a machine bureaucracy is typically stable, and the goal is to achieve internal effi ciency. Public schools possess many characteristics of machine bureaucracy, but most schools are not machine bureaucracies in the pure sense. However, large urban school districts (New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago) are closer to machine bureaucracies than other medium-size or small school districts.Professional Bureaucracy Professional bureaucracy has the operating core as its key part, uses standardization of skills as its prime coordinating mechanism, and employs vertical and horizontal decentralization. The organization is relatively formalized but decentralized to provide autonomy to professionals. Highly trained professionals provide nonroutine services to clients. Top management is small; there are few middle managers; and the technostructure is generally small. However, the support staff is typically large to provide clerical and maintenance support for the professional operating core.The goals of professional bureaucracies are to innovate and provide high-quality services. Existing in complex but stable environments, they are generally moderate to large in size. Coordination problems are common. Examples of this form of organization include universities, hospitals, and large law firms. Some public school districts have many characteristics of the professional bureaucracy, particularly its aspects of professionalism, teacher autonomy, and structural looseness. For example, schools are formal organizations, which provide complex services through highly trained professionals in an atmosphere of structural looseness.These characteristics tend to broaden the limits of individual discretion and performance. Like attorneys, physicians, and university professors, teachers perform in classroom settings in relative isolation from colleagues and superiors, while remaining in close contact with their students. Furthermore, teachers are highly trained professionals who provide information to their students in accordance with their own style, and they are usually flexible in the delivery of content even within the constraints of the state- and district-mandated curriculum.Moreover, like some staff administrators, teachers, tend to identify more with their professions than with the organization. Divisionalized Form The divisionalized form has the middle line as its key part, uses standardization of output as it prime coordinating mechanism, and employs limited vertical decentralization. Decision making is decentralized at the divisional level. There is little coordination among the separate divisions. Corporate-level personnel provide some coordination. Thus, each division itself is relatively centralized and tends to resemble a machine bureaucracy.The technostructure is located at corporate headquarters to provide services INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCHOLARLY, ACADEMIC, INTELLECTUAL DIVERSITY 6_____________________________________________________________________________________ to all divisions; support staff is located within each division. L arge corporations are likely to adopt the divisionalized form. Most school districts typically do not fit the divisionalized form. The exceptions are those very large school districts that have diversified service divisions distinctly separated into individual units or schools. For example, a school istrict may resemble the divisionalized form when it has separate schools for the physically handicapped, emotionally disturbed, and learning disabled; a skills center for the potential dropout; a special school for art and music students; and so on. The identifying feature of these school districts is that they have separate schools within a single school district, which have separate administrative staffs, budgets, and so on. Elementary and secondary school districts that have consolidated but retained separate administrative structures with one school board are also examples of the divisionalized form.As might be expected, the primary reason for a school district to adopt this form of structure is service diversity while retaining separate administrative structures. Adhocracy The adhocracy has the support staff as its key part, uses mutual adjustment as a means of coordination, and maintains selective patterns of decentralization. The structure tends to be low in formalization and decentralization. The technostucture is small because technical specialists are involved in the organization’s operative core. The support staff is large to support the complex structure.Adhocracies engage in nonroutine tasks and use sophisticated technology. The primary goal is innovation and rapid adaptation to changing environments. Adhocracies typically are medium sized, must be adaptable, and use resources efficiently. Examples of adhocracies include aerospace and electronics industries, research and development firms, and very innovative school districts. No school districts are pure adhocracies, but medium-sized school districts in very wealthy communities may have some o f the characteristics of an adhocracy. The adhocracy is somewhat similar to Hage’s (1965) organic organization.Strategy and Structure The work begun by Chandler and extended by Mintzberg has laid the groundwork for an understanding of the relationship between an organization’s strategy and its structure. The link between strategy and structure is still in its infancy stage. Further research in this area, particularly in service organizations like schools, will enhance school administrators’ understanding of school organizations (Lunenburg & Ornstein, 2012). In the meantime, school leaders must recognize that organization strategy and structure are related. FRED C.LUNENBURG _____________________________________________________________________________________7 Conclusion Henry Mintzberg (1992, 2009) suggests that organizations can be differentiated along three basic dimensions: (1) the key part of the organization, that is, the part of the organization that plays the major role in determining its success or failure; (2) the prime coordinating mechanism, that is, the major method the organization uses to coordinate its activities; and (3) the type of decentralization used, that is, the extent to which the organization involves subordinates in the decision-making process.Using the three basic dimensions—key part of the organization, prime coordinating mechanism, and type of decentralization—Mintzberg suggests that the strategy an organization adopts and the extent to which it practices that strategy result in five structural configurations: simple structure, machine bureaucracy, professional bureaucracy, divisionalized form, and adhocracy. References Brickley, J. , Smith, C. , Zimmerman, J. L. , & Willett, J. (2002). Designing organizations to create value: From strategy to structure. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.Chandler, A. D. (1962). Strategy and Structure. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chandler, A. D. (2003). Strategy and structure: Chapters in the history of the American industrial enterprise. Frederick, MD: Beard Books. Galbraith, J. R. (1987). Organization design. In J. W. Lorsch (Ed. ). Handbook of organizational behavior (pp. 343-357). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Galbraith, J. R. (2009). Designing matrix organizations that actually work: How IBM, Procter & Gamble, and others design for success. New York, NY: Wiley. Greenberg, J. 2011). Behavior in organizations (10th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Hage, J. (1965). An axiomatic theory of organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 10, 289-320. Hall, R. H. , & Tolbert, P. S. (2009). Organizations: structures, processes, and outcomes (9th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kuprenas, J. A. (2003). Implementation and performance of a matrix organization structure. International Journal of Project Management, 21, 51-62. Likert, R. (1987). New Ppatterns of management. New York, NY: Garland.Lunenburg, F. C. , & Ornstein, A. O. (2012). Educational administration: Concepts and practices. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Miles, R. E. , Snow, C. C. , Meyer, A. D. , & Coleman, H. J. (2011). Organizational strategy, structure, and process. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press. Mintzberg, H. (1992). Structure in fives: Designing effective organizations. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Mintzberg, H. (2009). Tracking strategies: Toward a general theory of strategy formation. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.Nelson, D. B. , & Quick, J. C. (2011). Understanding organizational behavior. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCHOLARLY, ACADEMIC, INTELLECTUAL DIVERSITY 8_____________________________________________________________________________________ Oliveira, N. , & Takahashi, N. (2012). Automated organizations: Development and structure of the modern business firm. New York, NY: Springer. Weber, M. (1947). The theory of social and economic organization. (t rans. T. Parsons). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Young People Enjoy Life More Than Older People Do?

Some people may think that older people enjoy life more than young people do. However in opinion, young people enjoy life more than older people do. Young people' passion and energy are enough to enjoy life more than older people do. The reasons of it are that they do not have to be responsible for numerous tasks, that they are much more energetic than the elderly, and that they can get familiar with new technologies even faster than old people. First of all, young people do not have much responsibility compare to older people.For example, older people have responsibility to take care of their children, to earn money, to complete their work, etc. These responsibilities make them limited to enjoy their life. Moreover, whenever they try to do something to enjoy life they prefer their children's favor first, like to travel where, to choose which movie, to come together with my friends and their mother. These all make the life less enjoyable thing. On the other hand, young people do not have these responsibilities; they are free to choose from variety of options to do for enjoying their life.They can meet with their own friends, and they can go most recent and famous movie. These show us that young people enjoy their life more than older people do. Additionally, young people have more energy to do anything. In contrast, older people usually suffer from some disabilities by the time is passing. For example, my friend and I have lived in same apartment for about ten years and usually we tried to come together whenever we found some free time. And every time we went different places, and tried new things. Sometimes, our parents were the ones who planned and scheduled the vacation.Unfortunately, they were less powerful and active than we were, which forced our decision for changing according to our parents’ situation. We had great time, and enjoyed of course. However, our parents were sorry to not be able to do everything that they used to do it before. Hence, w e see that by the time our enjoying life terms will change up to our ages. And we think that we should go, try and see as much as we can do while we are still young, otherwise we will not be in proper health condition to do whatever we want.Lastly, young people enjoy life more than older people because of the reality that they can easily follow the technology compare to the older people. And technology is one of the most enjoyable things in our life. For example, we are using social media, kinds of application to be more connected to our friends. The more connection creates more friendship. And the more friendship means more enjoyable life. However, older people can only connect with their friends with traditional method which is only couple friends.As a result of this, young people can more enjoy life than older people. To sum up, there is a huge difference between young and older people to enjoy their life. Of course, the older people can also enjoy their life according to their n ew age. However in some point, they feel that they are not able to do everything they want, and in this manner they feel little boundary surrounding them. They might not feel fully enjoyed life like in their young age. On the other hand, young people can able to enjoy life by being less responsible, more energetic and more following up new things.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Strategies of General Motors and Toyota Motor Corporation Case Study

Strategies of General Motors and Toyota Motor Corporation - Case Study Example Strategies are usually tailored to take advantage of the various opportunities in the firm's environment while harnessing its strengths and competencies. Currently, General Motors Corporation (GM) leads the automotive industry with total revenue of US$192.60 billion during 2005. This is amidst the US$2.6 billion loses incurred during the same year which is due to the weak demand in North America. Following GM is Ford Motor Corporation (US$178.10 billion), Daimler Chrysler AG (US$177.37billion), and Toyota Motor Corporation (US$162.92 billion). Even though smaller in terms of revenue, it is notable that Toyota recorded the largest net income at US$10.61 billion during 2005 (Yahoo Finance 2006). It is apparent that there is an intense competition between the four largest players in the industry. Toyota was able to dislodge the Ford during 2003 and is widely regarded to as having the aspirations to become the future industry leader next to GM. From here, we can see a struggle between the companies as they are both challenged to devise winning strategies. For GM, the challenge is to craft and implement an effective strategy to maintain its position in the global market, while for Toyota a strategy to battle head-on with GM and increasing its market share. The company has a wide array of product line under the brands Chevrolet, Pontiac, GMC, Oldsmobile, Buick, Cadillac, Saturn, and HUMMER. The company's marketing arm is supported by retail dealers and distributors in the United States, Canada, and Mexico as well as dealers overseas. GM is recognized as the largest vehicle manufacturer selling 8.5 billion cars in 2001 while its sales in 2002 account for 15% of the trucks and vehicles sold globally (Yahoo Finance 2006). Traditionally, GM's approach to marketing its products is targeting a specific market segment for a specific brand so that the company's products do not compete with each other. These were profitable for the automotive firm as the brand's shared components and common corporate management gave way to substantial economies of scale while the distinctions between the brands created an "orderly upgrade path." Before 1995, the company has a full range of products ranging from Chevrolet which is offered to an entry-level buyer who is more concerned on a more practical and economical vehicle to the upscale Cadillac which is targeted to the elite market as it is regarded as the "standard of luxury (General Motors 2006)." Nevertheless, this strategy did not persist as the GM started to implement a gradual blurring of its divisions during 1995. This strategy leads to cannibalization in the market share of GM as each division competes with each other (General Motors 2006). During 2004, the company has announced a new strategy for its product lines which is apart from the traditional marketing and positioning it employs. This shift in brand strategy is targeted at â€Å"building sales, cutting costs, and bolstering brand identity (Garsten 2005).†Ã‚  Ã‚  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analysis of Chuang Tzu 33 Chapters Later Edited by Kuo Hsiang Essay

Analysis of Chuang Tzu 33 Chapters Later Edited by Kuo Hsiang - Essay Example The main body of the essay consists of detailed discussion of his philosophic and literary masterpiece. As is obvious the original work is in the Chinese language, hence the main source of this essay is the translation of Chuang Tzu's complete work by the another famous orientalist A.C. Graham __ "Chaung Tzu, The Inner Chapters". Introduction: Little is known of the man Chuang Tzu, except the some sattered details found in miscellaneous official historical records. He lived during the Warring States Era ( 403-221 B.C. ) in the Chinese history; he held a minor official post, and he was a resident of a place called Meng, in the present day Honan Province. At this bleak junction in the Chinese history a phenomenon known as the Baijia, or the hundred schools of thought, emerged. Each of these schools propagated their peculiar brand of remedies to cure the social malaise to rid the Chinese society of the culture of violence and gore. The basic point that in a way united these schools was the fact that all of these schools of thought wanted to a state of social harmony, both at the level of the state and the individual. Among these schools of thought and perhaps the most influential one, was the Ruist__the erstwhile followers of Confucius. These scholars were in favor of returning to the wisdom and the old traditions and values of ancient China. Another, important school was the Mohist: composed of the disciples of "Master Mo" or Mozi. These scholars were opposed to the traditional culture and values because they perceived them to be elitist. Doadejing was also a popular movement of during these turbulent times. Chuang Tzu's philosophy developed within the context defined by the Ruist, Mohist and the Doadeing schools of thought. Chaung Tzu, is reported to have taken birth about more than a century after Confucius. His famous contemporaries were Mencius ( with whom he had no discourse or any contact), Gonsung Longzi ( the logician ) and his acquaintance Hui Shih ( ref erred to as a paradox monger). One man without whose mention the Chinese cultural history is bereft of any vitality and color is Chuang Tzu. But it is not on his own account but because of the remarkable feat of conservation of his work successfully undertaken by the Jin dynasty scholar and commentator, Kuo Hsiang (d.312 C.E.) that we know him today. Had it not been for Kuo Hsiang, China and the rest of the world would have never known the exceptional visionary, Chuang Tzu. Apart from preserving his work for posterity, Kuo Hsiang also has the unique distinction of being the first editor of Chuang Tzu. Originally, the work of Chuang Tzu was composed of fifty two chapters but it was reduced to its current thirty three chapters by Kuo Hsiang. He left out all that he thought spurious, and to set the record right, only the first seven chapters are written by the great man and are referred to as the "Inner Chapters" or Neipian. The rest of the chapters, that is chapters eight to twenty tw o, are referred to as the "Outer Chapters or Waipian, and chapters twenty three to thirty three are called the "Miscellaneous Chapters" or Zaipian. These chapters are attributed to the disciples and followers of the great man. In short the "Inner Chapters" form the core of the magnum opus or the basic writings of Chuang Tzu. At this

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Store locations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Store locations - Essay Example To further deal with the marketability of the location, with regards to the aforementioned pharmacy, obtaining location and marketability data from two of its branches is a perfect barometer in determining how the location of the said establishment is essential in determining the feasibility of it. This study focuses on two selected branches of Walgreens in Miami and how will those branches show profitability and compliance with several criteria on why these locations were selected among others. Furthermore, this study aims to establish that location is indeed one of the most important factors to consider in putting-up a business enterprise in dealing with the marketability and profitability of the company. By analyzing two selected branches of Walgreens with regards to location, it would be possible to track the strong and weak points of the establishment with regards to its location and how this element affects the over-all standing of a certain business. This branch is situated almost in the center of Miami, Florida. ... A certain commercial online real estate described this location between Footlocker and Burdines Department store; this store will draw from both the local resident and daytime population, and the foreign tourists and more than 25 million cruise line passengers visiting Miami annually2. The description alone of the website would give the idea that the place is indeed visited by different people of different classification in which the store has a huge opportunity of being seen and visited by people because of its accessibility to the customers. However, analyzing the goods and services that Walgreens offer, it is very important to know, how many of these people would avail the goods and services it gives In other words, how many customers the store would be able to obtain from those people who manage to pass the location where the branch is located In these cases, it is also important to know the classification of the location in order to know if the place is indeed marketable for this enterprise to click and prosper. If we are to analyze, there are several hospitals and allied services in Florida that are located in the aforementioned street and would be an important factor for the said branch to obtain customers. It is established that these institutions needs the services of the said branch and therefore, the marketability of the branch is now clearer and established. The likes of Miami Children's Hospital, Mercy Hospital, Miami Heart Institute and Medical Center and other hospitals boost the chances of the said branch to penetrate the market with regards to the goods and services it offers. Also, the location is an ideal one as the aforementioned premises are

Obama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obama - Essay Example In the US state of Ohio, there was great resonance between President Barack Obama’s arguments and those of the voters regarding the economic woes that America has experienced in the recent years as a result of the Bush government (â€Å"Fox News Exit†). On the national level, President Barack Obama’s campaign played a very important role opposing the supposed war on women by Romney. This gained President Barack Obama heavy support of the female voters whereas Mitt Romney gained no more than a point from the 2008 performance of John McCain. In addition to that, President Barack Obama also approved of the gay marriages in America understanding the fact that gays are growing in population in America. This gained him the support of the gay community as well and has contributed to his presidency for the second time. I personally think that President Barack Obama won the re-election fundamentally because he is black by ethnicity. The blacks in America have grown in population over the years and they see President Barack Obama as their own representative in such a prestigious institution as the government. Equality of races in America has been a growing concern since the end of slavery, but since then, the blacks’ rights have been subjugated at different levels, though not as overtly and openly as they were in the time of slavery. A vast majority of the black Americans voted for President Barack Obama because they did not want to lose their representation in the most powerful seat in America. The white Americans, on the other hand, were not quite as conscious about being represented in the government as the black Americans were because the former have always been more than sufficiently represented everywhere in America. So the white Americans primarily based their decision of voting betwee n President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on the basis of their evaluation of their individualistic strengths and weaknesses. Understandably, some white Americans did find

Friday, July 26, 2019

Employee relation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Employee relation - Essay Example A smaller survey done in the UK found 27 per cent HR professionals following the practice and a discrepancy in the popularity of the practice between media and finance industries, and retailers and charities (Peacock 2008). No legislation restrains HRM from considering the applicants’ information displayed on their Facebook profiles in order to reach recruitment decisions. Use of social networks for recruitment decisions poses certain issues. Firstly, there is concern over privacy of the candidates and establishment of limits on the employers’ interest in the job applicants’ private lives. Such vetting processes can be interpreted as invasion in the privacy of the job applicants (Peacock 2008) given job applicants do not scrutinize their posts and shared material on social media with an intention of having them reviewed by the prospective employers. Secondly, use of social media to reach recruitment decisions makes the employers vulnerable to the charges of discrimination (Lynas 2007) as the rejected employees might feel that they have been rejected because the employer did not approve of their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or political views. This imparts a need for the employers to act responsibly and self-regulate in order to comply with the employment legislation. Retrieving information from job applicants’ Facebook profiles to reach recruitment decisions has negative connotations on employer-employee relationship. Employees are often unaware that employers are checking their social networking profiles as part of the screening process. Employers do so in order to find traces or evidence for what to them is inappropriate social behavior in the job applicants’ Facebook profiles. Laws guarding people against discrimination on the basis of race, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, and other variables commence at the recruitment stage. An

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Management and Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Management and Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example By not offering any type of training, the company has struggled. In order to help with this scenario, the advertising agency needs to begin offering more training for its employees. However, this is not the only leadership issue that needs to be changed. Management does need to address a few more issues, and this has to do with their overall attitude towards their employees. There is also an uneven distribution of work in the environment, and this can also hurt employee morale. Those with more work feel overworked, and those with less work feel that they are being overlooked. This often also creates the problem of self-serving bias, and this can greatly harm the view of management toward employees. It is also important for management to begin trying to apply the concept of Theory X versus Theory Y when approaching their employees (Denton, 1999). McClelland's Theory of Needs should also be considered by management, because these employees have a need for achievement and achievement would also help to increase employee morale. Another problem in this scenario is the lack of group dynamics in the company. Most of the employees are too frightened to speak up or go against management, and/or they are not motivated to do so. This means that they hide, and do not share their ideas, and that they simply go along with what management states, whether they want to or not. This also hurts employee morale, and thus management needs to change their approach to group meetings (Employee Productivity Increases Morale, 1999). Analysis of Scenario Leadership Approach Several leadership approaches could be used to help increase employee morale in this situation. Making sure employee morale is functioning properly is very important as far as the company's long term goals are concerned. If employees are not happy, turnover rates will increase and productivity will decrease. In order to have management use effective leadership to solve the problem, it is important to have them consider Chris Young's "Eight Strategies for Improving Employee Morale." Young gives a very complete list with excellent definitions and ideas of how leadership can improve morale by using a few effective ideas. These concepts could be applied to the management at the advertising agency in order to help increase employee productivity and employee morale (Ginzbert, 1985). Young first mentions the concept of "negative energy." What is this concept and what causes it Several items actually cause it, and negative energy is an overall feeling of disgust towards certain aspects of the job. This negative energy hurts employee morale, and thus also hurts the company. Therefore, the advertising agency, which is clearly suffering from this concept, can use Young's ideas to overcome this problem. Management Strategies According to Young, the first item to consider is that of the job fit. Basically, the problem could be as simple as this being the wrong person for the job-the job itself is not what the individual expected, or he or she just does not have the personality, drive, or interest to complete the job tasks (How Low Staff Morale Can Have Serious Consequences, 2007). Management needs to be able to assess individual's abilities and personalities in order to make sure that

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Answer the Q Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer the Q - Essay Example However, there is a requirement of developing an environment facilitating communication before problem arises since different cultures have varying degrees of social acceptance in contradicting opinions from their employers. Nonetheless, employees can have a feeling of not contradicting opinions from their management, or the management be involved actively in the process of making opinions being heard, thus establishing difficulty of eliciting reduced performance of the employees. Therefore, this essay focuses on discussing the significance of communication in the workplace to an organization. There is need for a clear communication in writing or verbally, between the employees and employers in order to eradicate challenges created by cultural barriers (Olynk and Widmar, 2). Communication in the work place has a significant contribution towards the business since it facilities functions such as negotiations involved in getting into business deals. On the other hand, effective communication in the workplace enables increasing effectiveness in communicating with manager and stakeholders, employees and customers. Solving a problem related to a long-term shortage of clear communication is creation of awareness that is preceded by active steps aimed at improving communication that initiated for benefits of employees and operations in the organization. Thus, an effective communication process manages both uncertainty and anxiety amongst strangers resulting from lack of understanding of each cultural expectation at play. Therefore, lack an effective process of communication lead s employees’ isolation: especially strangers from different ethnic groups. Based on what elements people employ, they go on to develop various methods of communication. Some of them develop verbal means; while others develop non-verbal means. Non-verbal language that involve ways a person, stands or carries themselves, holding of their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Criminal Law Mens Rea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Criminal Law Mens Rea - Essay Example The topic statement is lifted from Glanville Williams Criminal Law: The General Part [2nd ed. 1961]. A perusal of the topic shows that it runs counter to another statement in the same text which shows the belief of the author that the concept of mens rea is an index of maturity of our legal system. The correlation to the various justifications of punishment or purposes of criminalization does not at all compute when considered from the various vantage points and time frames of the said justification theories. The mental element of crime may be significant for one purpose or the other but the same way that the various purposes do not conjoin with any one crime, the element of mens rea will not be relevant to all the justifications and purposes. The cardinal principle of criminal law is that 'a wrongful act does not make a person guilty unless his mind is legally blameworthy.' There must not only be a wrongful act (actus reus), but with it must also concur intent (mens rea, Latin: the guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent1). Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea.2This is so because evil thoughts are condemnable and punishable only when they are sufficiently dangerous to society and only when translated into evil deeds. From a practical vantage point, there is really no way for any legal system to sanction evil thoughts. Blackstone confirmed this: " "[A]s no temporal tribunal can search the heart, or fathom the intentions of the mind, otherwise then as they are demonstrated by outward actions, it therefore, cannot punish for what it cannot know And as a vicious will without a vicious act is no civil crime, so, on the other hand, an unwarrantable act without a vicious will is no crime at all. So that to constitute a crime against human laws, there must be, first, a vicious will; and secondly, an unlawful act consequent upon such vicious will."3 Again, for Glanville Williams, mens rea is significant of (legal) civilization.4 The existing ideals of justice require that a person should only be punished where he intended to commit the unlawful act. This is a simplistic formulation because if strictly adhered to persons committing crimes in ignorance of criminal law would not be held liable. This situation would result to impossibility in implementing the law. This led to the adoption of presumptions to govern the matter. The burden to prove the existence of a criminal state of mind is lodged upon the prosecution in most offences except those of strict liability. Mens rea does not mean 'wickedness' in any moral or general sense.5 On the other hand, good motive does not provide defence to what is otherwise criminal.6 Mens rea is a legal jargon that refers to a number of states of mind that the law treats as criminal, each of which is related to or accompanies the ingredient of the actus reus of the offence. This concurrence is what gives rise to criminal liability. These states of mind that are relevant to establishing criminal liability are: 1) intention, 2) recklessness and 3) gross negligence about consequences and they represent the fault element of crime. Knowledge of the surrounding circumstances may form part of the mens rea. Not every ingredient of actus reus of a statutory offence has a mens rea counterpart;

Monday, July 22, 2019

Should Disabled Veterans Get Preferential Treatment over Better Essay Example for Free

Should Disabled Veterans Get Preferential Treatment over Better Essay Affirmative Action efforts were started in 1964 to end the long history of overlooking qualified people of color and women from higher education. Affirmative Action sets standards for a business or office of admissions, so that a white man does not have the upper hand over an equally or greater educated minority’s, female or disabled veteran. The initial way the government tried to justify Affirmative Action was to develop a human resource approach: first identifying the problem, which is racism, sexism and handicapped stereo typing then establishing the solution. The intent of the Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program (DVAAP) is to help cut down on discrimination in the work place, despite the fact that some believe that (DVAAP) is a form of reverse discrimination. In contrast, the first goal of (DVAAP) was to help disabled veterans across the nation receive the entitlements they deserve when they apply for employment in the Federal Government. I believe that Charles J.  Muhl was trying to say that the Affirmative Action techniques have the advantage of not only persuading employers not to discriminate when hiring or accepting, but to expand employment and educational opportunities for groups that might be just as deserving but less fortunate. Therefore the (DVAAP) is legitimate because it does reduce discrimination in the work place and related areas such as various jobs on Government Installations and Federal Offices. In the end, it should in no way be abolished. A California Superior Court had upheld the states use of 3 affirmative action programs but struck down 2 of them owned by minorities, woman and disabled veterans. The program that the Superior Court upheld was intended to remedy discrimination and according to proposition 209 there was no discrimination towards minorities or disabled veterans. Those two programs mentioned nothing about minorities or disadvantaged veterans only disadvantaged businesses. I feel that the Superior Court rejected the states laws because it seemed like they felt it was reverse discrimination and unconstitutional. Affirmative action is becoming highly controversial. Right now Proposition 209, in California, which bans all programs involving race and sex preferences run by the state, has passed but it will not be put into total action due to some questions of constitutionality. But one must ask themselves â€Å"Is the DVAAP a new form of Affirmative Action? † The DVAAP has employed about 93,000 disabled veterans during 2005. Without programs like this, there would have been about 93,000 unemployed veterans’ just collecting disability and unemployment, resulting in more tax money being spent on disabled veterans. With this system they are able to make a valued contribution to society and not become a financial burden on the rest of the economy. Mark Rosenbaum of the Southern California Branch of the American Civil Liberties Union declared an argument. Proposition 209 should be declared unconstitutional because it singles out women and minorities at a time when discrimination still exists, Now let just think for a minute, How many of these Disabled Veterans are women or minorities? Also take into consideration if you add some sort of combat wound to that Veteran, what would you have without the help of the (DVAAP)? I will tell you. People would look at those brave Veterans that put there lives on the line and call them a â€Å"BUM† These people are not bums, they are fallen heroes that need help. Discrimination does still exist in our not so perfect world, and so far various forms of Affirmative Action is our only solution; so why is California trying so hard to put an end to it? Abolishing Affirmative Action is not the answer. President Clinton spoke out in his speech for National Archives: Let me be clear: Affirmative Action has been good for the United States we should have a simple slogan: Mend it, but dont bend it. The problem with the Affirmative Action debate could be that those arguing for it do a poor job defending their position. Due to the fact that Affirmative Action has been in place for more than a generation, critics have lost sight of how the job market and higher education looks without Affirmative Actions stabilizing effects. They could possibly make a stronger stance if they pointed out that there are thousands of injured veterans (woman and minorities) in the current ongoing war trying to readjust back to civilian life. They are also highly qualified for many forms of employment. (Section 4214(a)(1) of the title 38, United States Code) Many critics that were not hired for jobs that they felt that they deserved seem to think that Affirmative Action is a cleverly disguised form of racism and ineffective, but taking a look at what happens when there is no Affirmative Action, such as in court case’s around the United States reverse discrimination suit. Some courts are ruling to ban the race card, gender card and disabled veterans card when applying for government jobs. I would like to point out The whole reason that there are handicapped preferences is that the handicapped do not meet the standards applied to others, if they were require that they meet the standards then they would not have gotten in. I have a handy capped person that works with me and when I asked him how did he get his job, he told me I clearly got in through an Affirmative Action program, and I dont apologize for it Im proud of it. † It got me in, but it didnt get me out, didnt take the bar exam for me, didnt pass the two hundred and eighty five or so pieces of legislation Ive authored. He is a perfect example of Affirmative Action, a handicapped minority getting the chance to prove himself. Affirmative Action did not get him where he is today it just simply got his foot in the door. Affirmative Action gave him a chance he would not have gotten if Affirmative Action did not exist. Although sad, but true we do not live in a perfect, color-blind country. I believe It is simply wrong to play politics with the issue of Affirmative Action and divide our country at a time when, if we really want to change things, we have to be united. I have had experience with Affirmative Action, nearly twenty years of it now, and I know it works. In conclusion, Affirmative Action, just as it started, is trying to create unity within the real world, which is not perfect and there is lots of handicapped stereo typing. So why are we still asking the question of why we are using various forms of Affirmative Action? Proven that it abolishing Affirmative Action would be a negative effect to the work place, why should we go back to the days of handicapped stereo typing, why not move forward still some until we can create unity. We should seek not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a result. Maybe the world hasnt exactly found equality as a result, but with the Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program, the world is a lot closer to equality than without it.

Speech Variation In Restaurants Essay Example for Free

Speech Variation In Restaurants Essay There are three different dialects in Pennsylvania that will give away where you reside. Why is there so much contrast in speech among the residents of the city and country? The culture where I am from has molded my speech, attitude, and actions; it also has created who I am today. The â€Å"city life† is exceptionally different from the â€Å"country life,† I know this because of my expedition to the middle of nowhere, Lock Haven, PA. Somewhere on the four-hour car ride from Philadelphia to Lock Haven, the residents begin to talk a little stranger with a different dialect then the east coast. For the last five years, I have been employed at a corporate owned Mexican-grill restaurant, Chili’s. When I came to school at the beginning of the Fall 2011 semester, I took on a job at the local corporate restaurant, Ruby Tuesday. By working in restaurants, it forced me to communicate with thousands of people from all over the world. Not only did I encounter the behavioral differences of the â€Å"townies† in the Lock Haven area, but also I found it extremely difficult to converse and understand the costumers and employees at Ruby Tuesday. Going out to eat is something you do for relaxation and pleasure, but when a new employee is thrown into the stressful world of the restaurant industry, the â€Å"new fish† is quickly exposed to words that may seem like a foreign language. Although the syntax in the restaurant business is the same as the English language, the function words vary. There are countless restaurant terms that are used by every position in the establishment. These function words also change through out the country. Not only are you dealing with regional accents, you are dealing with different terminology that is dependent on the location of the business. In the city, it is usually assumed that slang would be more present in the restaurants. This is a true statement for the costumers going out to eat, this is a false statement for the employees that have to represent a corporation that is located in an area of high population, where most of the income is coming from. I have seen more employees get fired in the city for being unprofessional and using slang then I have seen in Lock Haven. At Ruby Tuesday, I have found myself baffled countless times by some of morphology my costumers use. It’s frequent that the costumers have to repeat themselves because of the language barrier. A speech community is a group of people who set norms and expectations regarding the use of language, and being from the city makes any Philadelphia aborigine an outcast. []. There are different words for the same thing, synonyms, which vary around the state of Pennsylvania in restaurants. For example the seating area around the bar is called the â€Å"lounge† in Philadelphia. The seating area around the bar in Lock Haven is still known as the dinning room area. []. Pennsylvania is divided into roughly three different dialects, The Atlantic midland, East midland, and Pittsburg. []. After watching videos of citizens such as City Councilman Frank Rizzo, Jr. who resides in Philadelphia, Rick Gray, mayor of Lancaster, and U.S. representative Michael Doyle of Pittsburg, it’s is evident that Pennsylvania has distinct native accents. After watching all three videos of these men talking, the accent and dialect that I can most relate to would be Frank Rizzo Jr., the accent that affiliates the most with Lock Haven dialect is Michael Doyle. The way Frank Rizzo pronounces his vowels are very distinct. You can tell in the way he says â€Å"bad, had, and dad,† the IPA sound |à ¦| is pronounced as the IPA sound |I| is pronounced, this is a sign that he is a native of Philadelphia tongue. By having different accents in the restaurant industry, it could get confusing because of the constant screaming and communication in the BOH (Back of the House, or kitchen). [] Just in Pennsylvania, there are at least three contrasting dialects. There are multifarious clues that can give away where a costumer or fellow employee is from. If one pays attention to the sound of the use of their vowel pronunciations, behavior, actions and use of slang, it is effortless. It is a phenomenon how just a few hours can exaggeratedly change the way someone talks. Next time you go out to eat, try to figure out where your server is from using these clues!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Privatisation On Life Insurance Corporation Of India Economics Essay

Privatisation On Life Insurance Corporation Of India Economics Essay With the advent of new players in the field of Life insurance sector, the degree of competition has increased multifold. The private insurance companies are launching new innovative insurance plans for their survival and growth. At the same time, Life Insurance Corporation of India has upgraded their quality of service to retain, maintain and attract new business. An attempt has been made to study the impact of privatization on LIC. The Development Officers were contacted to know their observations about the impact of privatization on their life insurance business and their views as how their life insurance business has been influenced by the opening of the sector. LIC has made a lot of changes in its operation and latest technology is being used to serve the customer. The customer grievances are properly attended and all maturity claims are settled to the entire satisfaction of the policyholders. The privatization of the sector has brought lot of opportunities for all the players. Under such situation, fittest of the fit will survive and the rest will vanish over a period of time. In the year 2000, when the insurance sector was privatized, many companies entered into the insurance sector and as a result competition has increased multifold. Initially, most of the private life insurance companies spent huge amount of money on advertisement. The purpose of the advertisement was to inform the public about their existence and the importance of life insurance policies in human life. With the rise in the degree of competition among the life insurance companies in India, the companies realized the need of developing new life insurance policy plans which can satisfy the multi needs of policyholders and as a result, the concept of riders were introduced. New channels of distributions have been introduced which have been economical and effective in serving the public. NEED FOR THE STUDY With the privatization of the insurance sector, efforts have been made by the government to regulate the business of insurance through Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority ( IRDA). IRDA has formulated various guidelines to bring transparency in the working and make the system customer friendly. As a result, most of the companies are practicing Customer Relationship strategies to keep their customers delighted. Keeping in view such changes in the insurance sector, a need is felt to find out as what is the change in the attitude of general public before and after the Privatization. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY This study is an attempt to find out the impact of privatization on Life Insurance Corporation of India. The basic purpose of conducting this study includes: To find out the difference in the attitude of general public before and after the Privatization. To analyse the LIC business procurement in terms of First Premium Income (FPI) over the last 4 years. To study the attitude of Development Officers towards impact of privatization on their insurance business RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A descriptive study on the General Public and Development Officers have been undertaken to find out the answers to the objectives of the study. The study has been conducted in the selected cities of Haryana viz. Ambala Cantt, Ambala City, Kurukshetra Panipat, Karnal, Yamuna Nagar, Panchkula and Jagadhari. A structured questionnaire has been framed with multiple answers and their views have been noted and analysed to draw important conclusions. TYPE OF DATA COLLECTED Both primary and secondary data has been used to study the impact of privatization on Life Insurance Corporation of India. Primary data has been collected from General Public and Development Officers through structured questionnaire where as secondary data has been collected from the IRDA journal(s) pertaining to the FPI of life Insurance Corporation of India over the last 4 years. SAMPLING TECHNIQUES Stratified random sampling technique has been used in the study. Out of the eight cities selected for the study, 50 respondents from general public, representing different stratas of the society have been included. Similarly, 35 Development Officers from each city have been chosen on snow ball sampling basis. HYPOTHESIS H o Privatisation of the Insurance Sector has adversely affected the working of LIC. H a Privatisation of the Insurance Sector has favourably affected the working of LIC Ho After the privatisation, whether your business as Development Officer has been adversely affected? H a After the privatisation, whether your business as Development Officer has been favorably affected? DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS PERFORMANCE OF LIC IN TERMS OF FIRST PREMIUM INCOME (FPI) Table 1.1: Comparative Analysis of Business Performance of LIC in terms of FPI Name of LIC ZONE with FPI IN 2006-2007 FPI IN 2007-2008 Growth Rate in %age 2007-2008 FPI IN 2008-2009 Growth Rate in%age 2008-2009 FPI IN 2009-2010 Growth rate in %age 2009-2010 North Zone 862124.66 808943.20 -6.17 637302.71 -21.22 767438.31 20.42 North Central 463995.25 481078.84 3.68 384078.36 -20.16 493495.89 28.49 Central Zone 251776.58 210294.93 -16.48 183249.12 -12.86 226104.41 23.39 East Central Zone 261215.49 296291.15 13.43 262577.04 -11.38 310326.43 18.18 Eastern Zone 342181.75 410185.77 19.87 391795.29 -4.48 526284.19 34.33 South Central 596867.00 581365.08 -2.60 448089.37 -22.92 532827.32 18.91 Southern Zone 586241.87 855150.87 45.87 453414.89 -46.98 553047.49 21.97 Western Zone 589755.23 737975.93 25.13 771614.08 4.56 886520.29 14.89 TOTAL FIGURE 3954157.83 4381285.77 10.80 3532120.86 -19.38 4296044.33 21.63 Table 1.1 clearly shows that there was increase and decrease in most of the zones of LIC except the Western zone which made a consistent increase in the business from 2006-2007 to 2009-2010. The performance of all the zones were better during the financial year 2009-2010 as all the Eight zones have shown a positive growth rate. The maximum business in terms of FPI from the Western Zone followed by North zone and Southern zone. Eastern zone made the maximum growth rate of 34.33 % during the financial year 2009-2010. QUESTION-1: A question was asked to the General public ( 50 IN EACH CITY) about their future intentions to buy any life insurance plan and which insurance company will they prefer Table1.2: Interest of the General Public to purchase insurance Respondents interested to insure LIC Other Companies City Ambala Cantt. Count 18 4 % within City 81.8% 18.2% Ambala City Count 13 3 % within City 81.3% 18.8% Kurukshetra Count 14 0 % within City 100.0% .0% Panipat Count 14 3 % within City 82.4% 17.6% Karnal Count 10 2 % within City 83.3% 16.7% Yamuna Nagar Count 9 3 % within City 75.0% 25.0% Panchkula Count 11 5 % within City 68.8% 31.3% Jagadhari Count 9 3 % within City 75.0% 25.0% Total Count 98 23 % within City 81.0% 19.0% Chi-Square Tests Value df Pearson Chi-Square 5.477a 7 Likelihood Ratio 7.866 7 Linear-by-Linear Association 2.124 1 N of Valid Cases 280 a. 8 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.63. 81% respondents like to get insured by having LIC policy, Chi square significance is .001, which suggests that data is significantly related. QUESTION-2: After the privatisation of the insurance sector, whether your business ( Development Officer) has been affected? Table 1.3: Effect of privatization on the business Business has increased or decreased Increase Stable City Ambala Cantt. Count 33 2 % within City 94.3% 5.7% Ambala City Count 31 4 % within City 88.6% 11.4% Kurukshetra Count 34 1 % within City 97.1% 2.9% Panipat Count 33 2 % within City 94.3% 5.7% Karnal Count 34 1 % within City 97.1% 2.9% Yamuna Nagar Count 33 2 % within City 94.3% 5.7% Panchkula Count 35 0 % within City 100.0% .0% Jagadhari Count 34 1 % within City 97.1% 2.9% Total Count 267 13 % within City 95.4% 4.6% Chi-Square Tests Value df Pearson Chi-Square 6.373a 7 Likelihood Ratio 7.084 7 Linear-by-Linear Association 2.392 1 N of Valid Cases 280 a. 8 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.63. From the above table it is clear that business of the LIC has increased (95.4%). Chi square significance is .003, which suggests that data is significantly related. QUESTION-3: Do you think that privatization of Insurance sector is a sign of growth for You as Development Officer and for LIC as a whole? Table1.4: Relationship between privatization and growth for LIC privatization of business sector is a sign of growth for LIC Yes No No Comments City Ambala Cantt. Count 33 2 0 % within City 94.3% 5.7% .0% Ambala City Count 32 1 2 % within City 91.4% 2.9% 5.7% Kurukshetra Count 29 2 4 % within City 82.9% 5.7% 11.4% Panipat Count 34 1 0 % within City 97.1% 2.9% .0% Karnal Count 34 0 1 % within City 97.1% .0% 2.9% Yamuna Nagar Count 33 2 0 % within City 94.3% 5.7% .0% Panchkula Count 35 0 0 % within City 100.0% .0% .0% Jagadhari Count 32 2 1 % within City 91.4% 5.7% 2.9% Total Count 262 10 8 % within City 93.6% 3.6% 2.9% Chi-Square Tests Value df Pearson Chi-Square 19.118a 14 Likelihood Ratio 21.221 14 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.386 1 N of Valid Cases 280 a. 16 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.00. According to 93.6% respondents, privatization is a growth sign for LIC. Chi square significance is .002, which suggests that data is significantly related. From the above analysis it is seen that there is hardly any impact of privatization on the business of LIC. Hence hypothesis H0 is Rejected, which shows that the business of LIC has been affected by privatization but it has positive impact on the business of LIC, hence we accept the alternate Hypothesis.. FINDINGS On the basis of the study undertaken on General Public and Development Officers, some important observations are appended below Corporate Active Data Warehouse (CADW): LICs CADW is one of the largest life insurance customer database in the world. The project has enabled LIC to launch Customer focused campaign like Customer Contact Program and Global Club Customer Campaigns launched in the various A Class cities during the year 2009-2010. The major achievement has been to send a single notice for the premium falling due in the same month for the various policies of an individual policyholder. All these initiatives launched have made the brand of LIC more visible in the eyes of the policyholders and public in general. New channels for premium payment: More channels have been added to facilitate the renewal premium payment by the policyholders. Major addition is in the form of creating PREMIUM POINTS where policyholders can deposit the premium 24*7 and can get a final receipt from the office of the empowered LIC agents who are spread across the country. More than 5000 such empowered agents are authorized to provide this service to policyholders. Apart from this, 350 satellite offices have been opened in various cities to give the feel of physical presence of LIC. Enterprise Document Management System: LIC has implemented EDMS in its offices to digitize the customers an Office records. EDMS has been done to get the advantage in terms of Enabling the concept of anywhere-anytime service through electronic files. To make documents and files available to multiple users simultaneously. To eliminate the need to transfer paper records from one branch to another branch. Electronic Bill Presentation and Payment (EBPP): Premium can be paid through various banks like City Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Federal Bank, Corporation Bank, Axis Bank and other service providers-Bill Desk and Tech Process which cover almost all other banks throughout the country. Premium can be paid through credit card also. Premium can also be made through ATM card and EBPP. Premium can be deposited for the in force policies only and which are not with monthly or salary saving schemes. Customer Grievance Redressal Management: LIC has grievance redressal officers at Branch/Divisional/Zonal/Central office to redress the grievances of policyholders and for bringing transparency in the operations. IT enabled support system have been operationalised to reduce manual intervention and to minimize the grievances. For quick redressal of grievances, LIC has introduced a customer friendly Complaint Management System through customer portal where the policyholder can directly register any complaint/ grievance/quarry and track its status anytime without going anywhere. CONCLUSION The performance of LIC during the year 2006 to 2010 indicates that there has been tremendous amount of potential in the insurance business. It is hoped that the spark ignited by the leading insurance company shall be carried forward by all the players and they will generate phenomenal business and fulfills the social obligation to the society. With the privatization of the insurance sector, the degree of competition has increased and as a result, the service standard of insurance companies has improved beyond imagination. In the present set up of life insurance organisations, Development Officer is the most important functionary of the organisation. The major life insurance business is procured through agents who are supervised by their respective DOs. An agent is the representative of the company who has the maximum interaction with the General public and persuades the prospects to purchase insurance policy. The agents should be well trained so that the general public can be made aw are about the importance of the concept of life insurance. In the recent past, most of the agents of the life insurance companies are offered lucrative incentives so that the sales force can be always be set in high spirit. In India, insurance market is open, only fittest of the fit will survive.LIC is an old trusted brand, it has to launch new policy plans which can satisfy the multi needs of the public. At the same time, LIC has to train and develop its employees so that they can serve the customer with full commitment and dedication. In short, privatization has favorably affected the LIC organization which has resulted into the improvement in the overall operations of LIC.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Humor of Pride and Prejudice :: Pride Prejudice Essays

The Humor of Pride and Prejudice         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Of all the novels that Jane Austen has written, critics consider Pride and Prejudice to be the most comical. Humor can be found everywhere in the book; in it's character descriptions, imagery, but mostly in it's conversations between characters.   Her novels were not only her way of entertaining people but it was also a way to express her opinions and views on what surrounded her and affected her.   Her novels were like editorials.  Ã‚   Austen uses a variety of comic techniques to express her own view on characters, both in her book and in her society that she lived in. We, the readers are often the object of her ridicule, and Austen makes the readers view themselves in a way which makes it easy for the reader to laugh at themselves. She introduces caricatures and character foils to further show how ridiculous a character may be. Pride and Prejudice has many character foils to exaggerate a characters faults or traits.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Austen also uses irony quite often to inform the readers on her own personal opinions. The comic techniques caricatures, irony, and satire, not only helped to provide humor for Austen's readers, but they also helped Austen to give her own personal opinion on public matters.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When an action is exaggerated on stage by an actor, it becomes all the more noticeable to the audience.   An author can exaggerate a character in order to make fun of them.   Austen exaggerates many of her characters and therefore makes caricatures of them in order to emphasize their ridiculousness. Mrs. Bennet is such a character.   Her extremely unpleasant manner and reactions causes readers to delight in the situations which Mrs. Bennet places herself into. Mrs. Bennet's harsh tongue and simple mind causes the reader to laugh, because it is so exaggerated that the reader thinks that such a person cannot exist.   Mr. Collins is another exaggerated character in the novel.   But would such characters seem humorous without somebody to react to them?   Not at all. Such exaggeration works only when you place them besides another character who seems very real.   Mrs.   Bennet is placed besides her husband to make her look all the more ridiculous and Mr.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Impact of Terrorist Attacks on Males from Muslim Countries :: Terrorism

Impact of Terrorist Attacks on Males from Muslim Countries The terrorism attack on the United States of America on September 11, 2001 has not only greatly affected American citizens, but it has also made a huge impact on the lives of people in Muslim countries such as Indonesia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Hence, because I am an international student from Indonesia, the attack has greatly affected my life in the United States of America. Since the terrorist attack, the American government has created a number of regulations that have to be followed exactly by the male citizens of Muslim countries who are currently staying in the United States. Every male has to report to the Immigration and Naturalization Service to be interviewed, and only if he passes the interview will he be able to continue living in the United States. However, in the event that he fails the interview, he will be immediately deported back to his own country. The government did not show any mercy even for those who have already built stable lives with their families here in America. The government’s act of eliminating any potential threat to the United States may seem patriotic and glorious in the eyes of many Americans. However, Americans also have to be reminded of the civil rights movement that successfully ended racially discriminatory laws and practices against African Americans and other minorities. The government’s act of discrimination against individuals from Muslim countries is simply not right. The government does not have the right to judge an individual by his or her nationality, race, or religion. Even though the terrorist attack on America may have been carried out by Osama Bin Laden, a Muslim leader from Afghanistan, the American government should not perceive every single citizen from Muslim countries to be a threat to this country.

Perceptions of Dimmesdale and Chillingworth in the Scarlet Letter Essay

Chillingworth and Dimmesdale: Reflections of True Puritan Society 18th century’s perception of the Puritan Society was that Puritans were a zealous community of people that lived with strict moral standards which allowed them to live in perfect harmony. However, the truth is Puritans were overly zealous whose values created paranoia and intolerance for other views. Through the characters Dimmesdale and Chillingworth who are also falsely perceived, Hawthorne suggest they are representative of the dour living of Puritan society that is hidden by the puritan’s tranquil and utopian outlook. John Winthrop aimed to created Christian utopian society when he founded the puritan community, he failed in this goal. Even with his failure, people still thought of the society as pure and just. What he engendered instead was a community whose theology denied human being’s free will, filled with paranoia, racism, sexism and hatred of sexuality and youth. These themes are clearly represented in the Scarlet Letter. The hatred of youth is shown early on in the novel, when Hester Prynne first enters from the prison, â€Å"This woman [Hester Prynne] has brought shame upon us all, and ought to die. Is there not law for it? Truly, there is, both in the Scripture and the statue-book.†(199). The aged ugly woman who makes this statement is used by Hawthorne to serve as representative for the puritans, while Hester represents youth and sexuality. The undeserving punishment of death for the crime of adultery only further demonstrates the extremities of this so-called per fect society. While perhaps seen as God’s will that a person who commits adultery must die, it is instead the government’s way of controlling the people by fear and terror so that t... ...ore it would be released free, which he then delivered the greatest sermon yet. The puritans economic status increased as less and less free will was granted, basically proving along with Dimmesdale, as corruption increases in religious figures or people they gradually better themselves, Dimmesdale in his sermons, while the Puritans in their economic status. Through the characters Dimmesdale and Chillingworth, Hawthorne reveals the true nature of Puritan society through parallels among the three. All three’s hidden evil is masked by each of their perfect appearances. Chillingworth exhibited the Puritan’s benefit of the doubt they received because of their relation to religion, while Dimmesdale presented the fact that corruption fuels the association with religion and as corruption within someone or something increases, so does a person or people’s betterment.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Half the Sky

As we read â€Å"Half the Sky† we were able to get a taste of how difficult the lives were for the women that were a part of these terrible doings to women. Coming from a family in which the majority is women, I cannot bare to see any women put in the situations that these women were put in; the daunting thing about the whole situation is that these heinous acts still exist today. As for the question, why is the desperate state of women in impoverished cultures also a great opportunity for them?This question is a very odd question because in the end there really is no good outcome to any of this. Too many women in these impoverished cultures they barely had enough money to put slippers on their feet. The brothels were many women were abducted and forced to do work by labor or sex is also a place where some of these women actually volunteered to work at. â€Å"Despite the knowing the knowledge of what actually occurs to women in these brothels, some women were so desperate for money that they voluntarily went in the brothel’s to work†.The fact is, is that these women’s backs were against the walls financially, mentally, and physically, some felt the only way out was to work and make money. Even though they knew what happens in these brothels. The fact that these types of things still exists baffles me every day. To actually think that in this day and age people still do things like this. One day hopefully sooner than later we will wake up and not be concerned about any of this.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Public Display of the Ten Commandments Essay

batch often unwrap memorization exhausting and more(prenominal) resembling tiresome. All those numerous row and lines to recommend tend to tire and bore close to(prenominal) of them. Moreover, or so of the time, they tend to shoot bonnie for the heck of it and non for the benefit of gaining and k at a timeledge. The ecstasy Commandments atomic number 18 some of the most customary lines that Christians should memorize and know by heart. These lines feature long served as Christians steer passages and actors line towards the path to right and honorableity.However, considering the generation immediatelywhen more and more populate hate the nous of memorizing and version actu altogethery dense pages lead the cardinal Commandments life mum be possessed of their utmost effect? Will they be able to serve their purpose of guiding the plenty towards skinnyness when non alone Christians nowadays ar able to memorize them? In what shipway discharge the Chr istian perform as certain(a) that mass ar free living up to the gist presented by the decennary Commandments?These be average some of the uncertainties on the effectiveness of the consecrate record book in reminding populate near the cristal Commandments. Is Reading Enough? Today, as the developments in the selective information technologies continue to rise, the unwashed activities like conversing, put uping messages, and even ingesting peck be done done and through the use of a computer and an net company. Considering this reality, doubts on whether concourse nowadays be still grasping the idea of the 10 Commandments by reading the news whitethorn arise.However, this croupe be possible if at that place atomic number 18 numerous electronic copies of the blessed Bible available for deal to memory access anywhere, and such copies hasten plenty of lovely visual designs, as humans be inherently visual beings (Pahlavan 270). Humans visual system is su pported by different sensory organs which dower and streng then its sensitivity to stimuli. Putting these points in simpler terms, a person is said to have a natural tendency to prefer things which are more attractive to the perceive of sight above other adepts.Hence, it whitethorn be understandable why quite a little tend to read more slanted and visu exclusivelyy attractive materials compared to the intimidating and levelheaded words of the Holy Bible. Knowing this, it can be inferred that putting a Bible beside a person who has the access to the cyberspace and all its wonders would assure that that person would read it and understand what it studys. Furthermore, mess can no longer expect most children to prioritise the memorization of the decennium Commandments when they have all those tough and demanding homework and projects to do.Thus, is the Christian Church still assured that race read The Bible and the Ten Commandments customary? If not, then how can the Ten Commandments be upgrade promoted? Appealing to Humans optical Preference At present, the huge banners, billboards, posters, and distinguishable visual advertisements are typical decideting along roads, malls, and literally almost everywhere. discordant creative, artistic, and innovative ways are now used just to disseminate information better.Nowadays, these methods are typically through very visual advertisements. The message of the Holy Bible, specifically the Ten Commandments, is considered as the most authorised and relevant teaching of the Christian faith. Compared to the domain service announcements of the government, malls sales promotion, introduction of a new brand of seltzer, and all the other hot topics of ads right away, it expects that the promotion of the Ten Commandments and all the other relevant messages of the Holy Bible has become a little unmerited.It is wry that these messages are what break throughs to be the most square and relevant messages for the people, yet why are in that respect more ads for sodas, clothing lines, celebrities, and TV shows as compared to these important reminders? Also, if the Ten Commandments appear to be the greatest instructions and guidelines the people must comply with, why are there simpler and shorter road signs and traffic rules displayed compared to these enigmatical yet very important words to follow and last by? This translatems to be the greatest irony in todays advertisements and visual display practices.The consequence of the Ten Commandments has been an eternal and undying idea among Christians. People exactly know that the Ten Commandments are the written key for repurchase and freedom for sin, yet these commandments are still left unadvertised and unannounced compared to how the big ad agencies promote different products which do not actually level to the significance of the Ten Commandments in peoples everyday lives. Looking at this truth, it may seem disturbing and appalling ho w people revalue information that modern advertisements promote age they leave the message of the Ten Commandments overlooked or make outed.It besides seems depressing, considering how the military capability of people towards these commandments has changed over the generations. This change in attitude and interest might have been caused by the technological advancements that the intelligent and creative minds of people themselves have created. Thus, it may appear demand for the advocates of the Holy Bible and the Ten Commandments to go and ride with the growing technology in order to assure that people are not forgetting the Ten Commandments.With this effort, it can also be assured that people testament always be reminded near these commandments and what they really mean. The display of the Ten Commandments can be most typically seen in churches. People seldom see these messages displayed in billboards or in freedom walls and posters. However, knowing the grandeur of the se commandments in the lives of people, will it be untimely to manly display this message, or is it more appropriate to leave these messages in the pages of the Bible, because leaving the choice to people whether they will choose to read it or not.Considering the abovementioned claims rough human beings as visual creatures, and about the growth of very powerful publicise techniques, it may indeed be unavoidable for the Ten Commandments to appeal to the human sense of sight in order to keep up with the powerful advertisements people see nowadays. There could be several ways on how this special message can be promoted in order not to violate other beliefs and culture. What matters most is to send the message and assure that Christians will always bring forward its significance wherever they go.A variety of learning theories attest that storage does not usually happen in the blink of an eye. In reality, it actually takes most people a certain consequence of time to remember so mething and to the full understand its meaning. Memorizing and remembering the Ten Commandment are not an easy task as well. It is not also everyday that a teacher asks their students to memorize the Ten Commandments. Thus, people are not really sure as to whether the Ten Commandments are still remembered and observed nowadays. With this, it only goes to show that straitlaced endorsement, exposure, and promotion are what these commandments really need.If public displays execute a brand of soda very popular worldwide, how much more help it could do if a identify of simple messages would be displayed to remind the people about moral stability and righteousness of the world? If powerful advertisements can make a politician and a repute known globally, how much more can it remind people about divinity fudge who should be the most influential and the most popular idol above anyone else? This is not a major impossibility people are just being hesitant to make it happen. The Bottom LineThe Ten Commandments, in reality, may not be the most popular set of phrases and commands there are for people to remember. Yet, these commandments must be the most popular and the most profound set of messages that people should remember to live by everyday. While most people nowadays tend to overlook and disregard the Ten Commandments, people can neer deny or refute the fact that the commandments are the simplest and the most fundamental set of laws that Christians must follow each day of their lives in order to preserve their moral stability and their positive and open connection to the Lord.The Ten Commandments are even considered as the fence which, when broken, may let a sheep out in an open sketch without any direction and sense of security department (Frederick 1). It does not actually take a Bible genius to understand and fully grasp the message of the Ten Commandments what psyche needs is a person who is pee-pee and willing to embrace what the Ten Commandments sa y in order to understand it fully. Perhaps, having these commandments displayed publicly may not violate theologys will, for it might even accomplish Him great help in disseminating the good news.If people are able to remember the many traffic rules there are on the roads. It may not be that hard to remember these simple commandments. If people are able to internalize popular phrases and quotes from politicians, it may not be that hopeless as well for them to grasp what beau ideal is trying to teach people through the Ten Commandments. People are not always reminded everyday about the richness of the Ten Commandments and how these commandments should be lived out as well.Thus, displaying these special messages for public view may appear not just as a reminder but as an eternal and unchanging message as well of how the Lord wants His people to be always righteous and be on the right track.Works Cited Frederick, Allen. Do the Ten Commandments Matter? . Helium. com. 13 March 2009 . Pahlavan, Kourosh. figure an Anthropomorphic Head-Eye System. Visual Attention and Cognition. Eds. C. Freska, H. S. Stiehl, and W. H. Zangemeister. Amsterdam, The Netherlands Elsevier Science, 1996. 269-292.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or maybe you want to rewrite it after youve finished to reflect the stream of your arguments.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation introductions that are lengthier than they how are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder for a reader to good grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled logical and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A unfocussed or rambling introduction will fasten better off the essay and wont produce a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate check your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. worth Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Maintaining the introduction in mind can help you to own make sure that your research stays on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective logical and the problem statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to comparative study this particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve keyword with this research study as well as what outcome you expect.When youre thinking about technological how to compose a dissertation introduction initiate with the subject of the subject.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The how last part of your introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your dissertation is constructed.

It needs to be fascinating in order to arouse interest, and stand out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the full length of the dissertation introduction, there are no specific requirements. This means is your brief introduction for dissertation should not look like an abstract. However, it does logical not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.All of the info given in the introduction moral ought to be your words and original ideas.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation brief introduction on your first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get lower down to the task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you how are finished with dissertation writing.

A few pages is plenty in composing the background info.Make sure the reader understands the own aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you how have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in check your research.Main Research Questions The research question arises from the Studys goal and is that the foundation for available data collection.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier good for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

The decision should begin in the question your thesis or dissertation aimed to handle.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in mind how that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, good feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure that the finished english version remains coherent.The end result of your investigation stipulates the signs that support the solution.Within an abstract you need to outline exactly what your research is all about in character.

Youve completed of your research, and you have arrived at the crunch, whenever you need to sit down and fresh start writing your dissertation.Studies dont have hypotheses.Writing a dissertation asks a choice of study and planning skills which is of little value in your career that is upcoming and within organisations.Attempt to restrict your acknowledgement dissertation to a page.

Monday, July 15, 2019

“The Secrets of Haiti’s Living Dead” by Del Guárico

The Secrets of Haitis vivification exsanguinous by Del Guarico was a precise interest study o read. It shows how sight of dissimilar places volition cerebrate something if they compliments or abide it to be on-key. This is in situationicular true if it is deep a part of their culture. In the story, this cerebration is illustrated by the interrogatory of zombies in Haitian hoodooism culture. The cla r fall outine describes a depend by a Harvard scholar named walk Davis for a do do drugss causation zombie-like effects.Zombies atomic number 18 a position of Haitian culture. When close to peck realize this they stool their irritate scholarship approximately zombies and the culture. passel in the States endure to presuppose of zombies as supernatural and a stem for tales of iniquity and we be non more or less(prenominal) affright of the actually zombie, but the situation that we re bout that they john turn us into one. Davis soon finds this d rug and issues that zombies argon faked in a literal sense. They use the embitter from the Japanese Fugu angle and another(prenominal) chemicals.He similarly effect out that thither is a riddle family that is amen adequate to(p) for policing the edict and the calculate of zombification is a affright to clench everyone in line. He was not able to discover how super acid it was in Haiti He confront credit for conclusion his function on his approach. some(prenominal) the great unwashed skill appreciation why he wouldnt in effect(p) make a prevalent contract and try on to initiate the Haitian mess as to this fact. If he did that he would only(prenominal) be sniffy they stack and laborious to take remote the feeling that they guard had for hundreds of years.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Negligence Essay Essay

boodle sued a confide for injuries. He was non compensable heed as he entered the vernacular buildinging compevery because he was sounding at his retrieve. And he drip injury $10,000 in injuries. forward to the f whole, the janitor had buffed the horizontal surface. The janitor had an IQ of 70. Norm every(prenominal)y, the janitor was nigh supervised. However, now his private instructor was passing tired, and the four-in-hand didnt cross off that the janitor had incautiously utilize steering in addition a lot floor grow that was extremely smooth. Is the situate likely for the janitors default (be convinced(predicate) to go by dint of all the elements. Additionally, cross out that low the philosophy of respondeat fantabulous the avow go forth be reasonable for any potence nonperformance of the janitor employee)? What defence forces exit the situate substantiate? gain that the legal power does not earn surmisal of bump or conducive in heed. The jurisdiction does live the defense of comparative indifference. In evidence to statute title a disuse aim a some adept moldiness initial lay out that the suspect had to shake up momented a plastered focussing toward the complainant. instant that the defendant failed to act in a fair(a) manner.Finally, the plaintiff essential(prenominal) file they suffered developed change or deviation collect to the everyplaceweening demeanor. sloppiness is a sort or expect creates an immoderate urinate a outlook or detriment to others. The confide exit be answerable for the janitors negligence. The janitor is considered an employee of the lingo. Therefore, on a lower floor the doctrine of repondeat boss the cant is credi cardinalrthy for the oblivious actions of the janitor. Repondeant Superior, states that the employee is liable for the actions of an employee when the actions put on bureau inside the setting of employment. This gives a sou lfulness hurt in a agency of billet a best(p) chance of line up return, In this cause the employer is considered the whiz and the employee the agent. down the stairs answerer victor the foreland has guard over the agents behavior and moldiness examine indebtedness for the agents actions. In this plate the bank must take province of the janitor. The bank could lay out that retire contri buted to the supervene for not compensable aid to his milieu by paying to a greater extent attention to his booth telephony than to where he was walking. They could contend that if he had not been on his cellphone phone he would observe the hopeful slippery floors. This is called contributive Negligence, but the courts do not notice this defense. cacography could because go for his amends or termination under relative Negligence. importee he could do one of the two things 1.) he could experience all his damages number and past cut by what would be his negligence in the yield or 2.) The courts could joint he backt recover anything if they construe that he was on the nose as negligence as the bank or janitor.